Secondary Aluminum Smelter – Western U.S.
Another western U.S. smelter has enjoyed cost savings by switching away from hydrated lime to magnesia-based chemistries.
Another western U.S. smelter has enjoyed cost savings by switching away from hydrated lime to magnesia-based chemistries.
Development and implementation of a stabilization approach to treat marsh area formerly used as a shooting range.
Development and implementation of a stabilization approach to treat marsh area formerly used as a shooting range.
Development and implementation of a stabilization approach to treat marsh area formerly used as a shooting range.
Remediated over 500 tons of lead-impacted soil at a brownfield redevelopment site in South Carolina. Soil was rendered non-hazardous with a low dosage rate of EnviroBlend in accordance with UTS treatment standards. Met the client’s 2-week time frame, completing the project at half the cost of [...]
Development and implementation of a stabilization approach to treat marsh area formerly used as a shooting range.
EnviroBlend® was used to remediate 38,000 cubic yards of soil with a pugmill. Treated material was disposed of off-site at a Subtitle D landfill. The project averaged throughput of 1,000 tons per day and reduced bulking of treated material by over 7,500 tons compared to treatment with Portland cement. In total, the client [...]
EnviroBlend® treated over 11,000 tons of lead-hazardous soil ex-situ at a former salvage yard. A low dosage rate resulted in reduced cost for transportation and disposal of treated soil. Treated material was disposed of off-site in a Subtitle D and TSCA landfill. The project was completed in less than seven working days. [...]
Provided construction management for the treatment and off-site disposal of over 3,000 tons of foreign materials and adjacent soil that were impacted by total concentrations of lead that averaged over 48,000 ppm. Determined that a reasonably low dosage would be effective, which resulted in treatment bulking of less than 8% additional weight. Treatment, [...]
Suburban golf club was constructed on a former firing range. Site soil mainly impacted with handgun and rifle rounds. During course construction, urban fill and firing range soils were introduced to native site soils for ground leveling and physical improvement. For reclamation, soils were not screened to remove bullets or urban fill inclusions. [...]
On-site stabilization with EnviroBlend recently saved a large railroad company over $8 million dollars in hazardous waste transportation and disposal costs
Remediated 30,000 tons of soil, initially ex situ with a pugmill, with subsequent phases treated in situ
Soil was treated on site to optimize cost and disposed off site. Land was purchased by the town for a Greenspace and nature path.
Former scrap yard soil was treated onsite and disposed of at a non-hazardous sub-title-D landfill.
Development and implementation of a stabilization approach to treat marsh area formerly used as a shooting range.
EnviroBlend was used for the stabilization of 47,000 tons of soil in area consisting of residential, commercial, industrial, wetlands and woodlands
Remediated 2,400 tons of lead contaminated soil from municipal firing range by stabilizing the soil with the use of “EnviroBlend” and transporting stabilized soils to local land fill.
Performed the project at one half the cost of the alternative.
Performed the project at one half the cost of the alternative
Project was performed for a final cost of $7 million versus the preliminary cost estimated at $12-$25 million