Guyton Battery Casings – North Carolina
Treated approximately 8,000 tons of soil ex-situ. Interested in more stories like this? Fill out the form below for a free download.
Confidential Site – North Carolina
Untreated soil contained lead totals of 3,740 mg/kg and antimony totals of 187 mg/kg. Lead was leaching at 1,660 mg/L and antimony at a concentration of 1.71 mg/L. TCLP site standards for antimony and lead were 0.5 mg/L and 5 mg/L, respectively. Dosage rates of 4% to 5% EnviroBlend® 80/20 Coarse reduced antimony [...]
Pre-Regulatory Landfill Closure – North Carolina
Soil was treated on site to optimize cost and disposed off site. Land was purchased by the town for a Greenspace and nature path.
Winston-Salem Police Firing Range – North Carolina
Remediated 2,400 tons of lead contaminated soil from municipal firing range by stabilizing the soil with the use of “EnviroBlend” and transporting stabilized soils to local land fill.
Seymour Johnson AFB – North Carolina
Performed the project at one half the cost of the alternative